Name: DzarmaGodiya Zechariah
Reg: U14mm1126
The vaginal yeast infection is one among the many types of vaginal infections that happens to women. It is also known as candidiasis. It is not considered a sexually transmitted disease but it could be spread by sexual contacts and women who are not sexually active can also get them. Every healthy vagina has bacteria as well as some yeast cells. The yeast infection comes as a result of imbalance of the bacteria and yeast, making the yeast cells multiply and leading to intense itching, swelling and irritation.
Causes of vaginal yeast infection
A specific kind of yeast called candida albicans causes most yeast infections. The fungus candida is a naturally occurring microorganism in the vaginal area. Lactobacillus bacteria keep its growth in check. If there is an imbalance in your system, these bacteria won’t work effectively, and this leads to an overgrowth of the yeast which causes the infection. Other causes are
1. Antibiotics( they decrease the amount of lactobacillus which is a good bacteria in the vagina)
2. Pregnancy
3. Uncontrolled diabetes
4. Weak immune system
5. Poor eating habits (including a lot of sugary foods)
6. Hormonal imbalance near your menstrual circle
7. Stress
8. Lack of sleep
Symptoms of the vaginal yeast infection
Some common set of symptoms are:
1. vaginal itching
2. swelling around the vagina
3. burning during urination or sex
4. pain during sex
5. soreness
6. redness
7. rash
8. Whitish-gray and clumpy vaginal discharge.
Diagnosis of the yeast infection
Yeast infections are very easy to diagnose. All you need do is visit your doctor for examination and pelvic exam. Depending on what your doctor sees, the next step may be to collect some cells from your vagina for a lab test.
Treatments are administered based on the severity of your symptoms. For simple infections, medication includes:
*Butoconazole (gynazole)
*Fluconazole (diflucan)
For complicated infections
*14-day cream, ointment, tablet, or suppository vaginal treatment
*Two or three doses of fluconazole (diflucan)
*Long term prescription of flucolazole taken once a week for six weeks or long term use of a topical antifungal medication.
Natural treatments are:
*Coconut oil
*Tea tree oil cream
*Boric acid vaginal suppositories
*Plain-yogurt taken orally or inserted into the vagina.
How to prevent a yeast infection
Eat a well-balanced diet
Eating yogurt or taking supplements with lactobacillus
Wearing cotton, silk or linen underwear
Washing underwear in hot water
Replacing feminine products frequently
Also do well to avoid:
Wearing tight pants, pantyhose,tights,or leggings
Using feminine deodorants or scented tampons or pads
Sitting around in wet clothing
Sitting in hot tubs or taking frequent hot baths