On the mention of child abuse, what comes to people’s mind is a child been abused sexually. Mean while the term is a very broad concept, it does not only mean abused sexually but also physically, psychology, emotionally, and socially.

Children are meant to be seen as people with brighter future. Children in this our contemporary world are been abused directly or indirectly due to the negligence of their parents or caretakers that give room for strangers, friends or even family members to abuse them. It is not always easy to recognise when a child has been abused, this is because children who are often abused are afraid to voice out which result to their behaviours changing, and lack of self confidence in themselves. Every child has the right to enjoy their childhood, be loved or, cared for and educated.

Parents infringe on the right of their children either directly or indirectly in which most atimes children are found on the street hawking which exposes them to dangers such as accident, kidnapping etc. Parent, teachers, families and the society at large should work together in protecting the children!