Abdullahi Farah Hanifah
It is alarming that despite the rampant rape victims in the society there are a few percentage reported for trial in court,most of the victims make it a secret in order to run away from blame and shame in the society, the rather keep the pains and frustrations to their selves than report it to the law agency which they feel will publicize them as rape victims and also legal difficulties in rape trials.the victim must have a strong witness before the trial in court.
In conclusion, rape is one of the most appalling things that one human being can do to another, and yet there is no other crime which our society is so ambivalent. That mu
st change, any rape case must be reported immediately and justice must be done.ne.e.. the most important thing to do so as to reduce the rate of rape victims in the society and also the rapist can be punished severely by the legal agency who are in charge of protecting human rights and safetyy ore the trial in court.
However, some of the victims believe that they should never in their life set eyes on the person who causes pain to them and make them encounter humiliation, isolation, ridicule and shame, they did rather keep it a secret but exposing such act is the most important thing to do so as to reduce the rate of rape victims in the society and also the rapist can be punished severely by the legal agency who are incharge of protecting human rights and safety
In conclusion,rape is one of the most appalling things that one human being can do to another,and yet there is no other crime which our society is so ambivalent.that must change,any rape case must be reported immediately and justice must be done.