Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The “elite university” being academic environment which lawns are apparently available everywhere you go. As a student of ABU you have to think why ABU is so interested in growing lawns and spending a lot of money to maintained green. The overt reason that comes to your mind is just to keep aesthetics and beauty. But lawns and grass are very important to our eyes health and environment. Eye is one of God’s gifts to be maintained because the eye is the most important components of the body. Indeed, all the components are important. But the eye is the most important of the others. Green shading is useful for your eyes sight. In case you before your PC for extend periods of time, it is smarter to take 5 minutes breaks and take a look at some green in shading. Trust me it makes a difference. Green shade has great healing power. It is the restful color for human eye; it can improve vision. Both live and artificial decorative green plants give a positive feeling in the work environment.
The scientific evidence clearly shows that healthy lawns are good for environment. Because, it is around us every day. They generate oxygen for improved air quality. Lawns immensely reduce noise and air pollution because the grass ecosystem serves as a natural filter for environment. Growing lawns and grass also serves as an effective preventive measure and control against soil erosion. They improve recharge and quality of ground water and provide flood control. Lawns bring substantial urban heat dissipation which results in temperature moderation. They also contribute to security as well, providing high visibility zones that deter potential intruders and serve as firebreak to reduce fire hazards.