Politics is being misunderstood among the youths and elders in Africa, when you are supporting party A your brother may support party B, but that doesn't mean you are to engage in bad relations with each other. Politics started long time ago but not in the way we practice it nowadays. Historically Nigeria's politics started becoming bad during the first republic 1960_1966, after having independent of this great country (Nigeria)! Before the independent, Nigerians were seeing themselves as brothers and sisters, but immediately after having independent they provoked the relationship, due to this, the following came into existence: Political rascality, Political regionalism, Political power aggrandizement, Political dominators, Political thuggery, Political black mailing and Political violence etc
Politics has numerous angles to look at when it comes to analyzing its events in any given country. But what will keep making you to be on tenterhook nowadays is how our people analyze it without taking a look to those political angles. Even in terms of meaning, believe me you up to now there is no acceptable definition of politics, due to the complexity of it, but even among students of political science only few of them understands this! So there is need to put more effort in sanitizing the minds of our youth and start allowing them to take part in realizing the wills of their states directly or indirectly! This is to be done by using political scientists and their good students! I always tell my secondary school students that " You are the leaders of today not tomorrow as our politicians say to you most of the time" According to Malam Ibrahim Muazzam " The price of not understanding politics and what it contains is servitude to ourselves and to our own society " so we must take part in politics for rectifying the bad nature of our politics!
When you say politics is bad activities and you decide not to take part in it, the bad people are to continue becoming your leaders and democracy cannot become government of the many when some refuse to participate in political activities of their states you must be controlled by them. So you have no option than to participate in political activities of your state. One of the duties of citizens is to participate in electing their leaders!
An election is a formal group decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office. Elections have been the usual mechanism by which modern representative democracy has operated since the 17th century. Elections may fill offices in the legislature, sometimes in the executive and judiciary, and for regional and local government. This process is also used in many other private and business organizations, from clubs to voluntary associations and corporations.
To elect means "to choose or make a decision," and so sometimes other forms of ballot such as referendums are referred to as elections, especially in the United States.
What is the real value of the money you receive on Election Day, in order to cast your vote for a candidate? Note that the money you receive is all you will be paid in the 4 years the candidate will be in office. He has paid you in advance for 4 years service. 365 dys x 4 yrs = 1460 days. 1. You receive #5,000? OK #5,000➗1460 = N3 per day. = That is the value of the vote you sold, over 4 years. 2. U receives #1000..?Ok, now 1000➗1460 = 68 kobo per day. 3. You receive #500..? 500 ➗1460 = 34 kobo per day 3. You receive #200 to vote..? See 200➗1460 = 13 kobo per day..!!
The question is how much do you value yourself..? Is that what you are worth..? They have bought your silence so that they and their children can live well. Can you live on 13 kobo per day or even 68 kobo per day? Tom Tom sweet is 10 naira think twice before you decides.
God bless Nigeria. Get your PVC and vote wisely!! name=ny��