Are you a mom with a new born and looking for an amazing baby care tip that will help you give the best care to your little one? Then today’s newsletter is a must read. And whether you’re a new mom or planning to have your kids soon, these baby care tips will help you be the best mom ever while ensuring your little one grows up healthy and happy.
Here, checkout our top tips from moms with new babies.
Don't hush-a-bye-baby
Before now, new moms are always told to be quiet when their babies are asleep, but guess what? This isn’t true. Remember the womb is one loud place and your little one is already used to the noise. According to Jenifer, a mom from Stafford, when her baby came, she still continued watching her favorite TV programs and would even do the dishes and talk on the phone while her baby slept. Eventually, her baby got used to the noise and they have lived happy ever after since then.
Learn to soothe your crying baby
A crying baby can be difficult to handle especially for new moms with their first child. But you know what we have discovered to do the magic? We will tell you, gently comforting your baby and patting them on the back. Also, this helps your baby to relax if he/she is crying from insecurity. If this doesn’t do the trick for you, you may want to try one of Dr. Harvey Karp’s five calming moves including shushing, holding your baby on the side, swaddling and more.
Help get your little one to latch
For new moms who are experiencing latch on issues while allowing their babies to suckle, you wouldn’t go wrong to use breast shields to aid in the process. This wonderful tip will easily get your little one to latch sooner rather than later. If what you want is to raise a healthy and happy child, you may want to give this tip a try.
Get prepped
When babies clock three weeks, it easier to predict their days and night. When this happens you can focus on yourself while you strive to ensure your little one has everything he/she needs. One way to ensure you don’t miss out on any important details is to ensure that you have everything set for you and your hungry baby. A good place to start is to ensure that you start preparing for the next feeding the moment the previous feeding is over. For new moms always take advantage of your baby’s nap time to take a shower, work out or do some important things you couldn’t do while your baby was awake.
Ensure your baby is awake during feedings
This can be quite difficult if your baby is eating slowly and sleepily. But guess what? We found a trick to do this without a hassle. All you have to do is gently massage your baby’s cheek, this would stimulate your baby to east faster. And if your baby eats faster, he/she would sleep longer. This would give you the peace of mind to catch some rest too.
We hope you found this tips as helpful as we did.