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Reviving Agricultural sector for sustainable development

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Saminu Ibrahim Abdu.u14mm1004

Agriculture involves the cultivation of crops and rearing of animal for human consumption.Nigeria is blessed with fertile land capable of producing enough food for internal and external consumption.Until the discovery of oil in the early 60's,agriculture was the main stay of nigerian economy.It provides thousands of jobs to our youths,revenues to the government and raw materials to our local industries.Besides,it was estimated that,the sector contributed 60% of GDP.No wonder,Nigeria attained self suficient in food production.The discovery of oil in commercial quantities have led to the drastic decline or reduction in agricultural sector.The youths who actively participated in the cultivation of crops migrated to urban areas for white colar jobs.   The urban areas became over crowded with jobs less active population.This lead to crimes and environmental Pollution.The petroleum industry that is supposed to be the magnet that will attract development become a cesspool of corruption.It is not only corruption ridden sector but also sector that breeds milintancy and pollution due to the oil activities.With the crash of global price of oil,many oil producing countries have turned to Agriculture.The story is not different in Nigeria where the country is desirious to diversify the economy through agricultural activities.In the last two years,the government had come up with different intervention policies.The Anchor browers is aimed at empowering youngers nigerian farmers.Through this initiative,rice farmers are given soft loans to repay within a period of two years.The interest rate is charge at 0.1%.This programe has assisted greatly towards boosting rice production and job creation.   With the total ban of rice importation,the rice farmers have been smiling to their banks accounts.Also,nigerians are encourage for the first time to patronise local rice.The nigerian government has also provided adequate loans for wheat farming.It is therefore cheering to state,the federal government has committed massive resources for agricultural development.The diversification of Nigerian economy become imperative inview of the decline of government revenues in recent time.The revival of agricultural sector will have a multifier effects.Firstly,the high rate of unemployment will be drastically reduced.Secondly,the global hunger staring the face of nigeria will be tamed.Agricultural has indeed hold the ace for socio-economy development of nigeria.


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