By Bawa Jessica Shekwoyemi U14mm1096 Staying connected, making friends and reading news are all great aspects of social media, but who really knows the true impact it has on college students? Social media such as twitter, facebook, snapchat and instagram are all highly used social media platforms. The social media usage of college students has the potential to affect their grades, social skills and time management skills but it could be positive or negative effects. Although some students suffer from their social media usage, there is a handful that aren't affected at all. Infact, according to Tara Heffner, a psychologist of Rowan university, social media can be a benefit for college students and their success. "Using social media to cope with academic frustrations can be a good outlet, especially if the student is connecting with another student that is having the same problem" explained Heffner. "Social media allows students to discuss class material via social media as well as help them network. According to a study conducted by Heffner, students who were able to utilize Twitter for education purposes increases their grades and GPAs. 38 percent of the surveyed students claimed that their GPA decreased, 25 percent declined to answer, and 38 percent said their GPA increased. Although social media is sought to be a huge distraction for college students, it also helps with their learning and adjustment to "college life". Social media opens a whole new technological world for students. However students choose to adapt to the new "world" is the ultimate decider of their academic success.
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