A baton passed on from one man to another with hopes that he keeps it alive even as he swivels through stiff rigors and battles with the high current of the waters and treacherous tides of life; a promise of some sort that is immune to changing circumstances. A daring responsibility that is feared by half the men I have encountered, men who looked too good to fall short yet vulnerable and susceptible to the underlying gig tossed to them. A man that requires nothing akin to strength and might to keep his boat afloat but sheer admiration, nobility and honor for the enormous weeny task that accomplice that, that has been shoveled toward him. She is a beauty wooed and desired only by a very few but swank upon by many men who yearn for her yet cannot keep to the wearisome demands of her being. She is a commodity of exorbitant worth and value, one that is staked only on the altar of friendship and bond sewn together by blood or years of togetherness or probably natured by peace of the past.
A fragile gift that rest upon the heads of those men whom you least expect; grace deposited by God himself so much rare it is that most times you have to travel the ends of the earth, down the corners of the edge to find one who can truly be saddled with this herculean chore. I have seen friends 📷raise machetes, I have seen brothers drawn swords, I have seen blood gushed, I have seen the eyes bulge-out, I have seen shock and tremble, I have seen companionship shattered, I have seen lies told even with the sun still hanging over our heads, I have seen wars fought and battles lost all on the edgy spike of this pretty girl. It is on the back of this revelation that I say; trust is the first mobility to disappointment.