As human beings, there is often a dark part of our lives which nobody can access, I have one and you have one as well. Sigmund Freud said that it resembles the brain of a child, which will crave for something and insists on getting it or else raise hell in tantrums or sulk.
At this moment of our lives as a nation, we usually put the blame of corruption at the doorstep of mismanagement. But as a matter of fact, we are all basically corrupt people with very few exceptions – black or white, Jew or gentile. A lot of us are driven by base instincts and we either mask or hide these instincts because time and chance have not given us availability and opportunity.
We want this, and we must have it even though we have not invested in the factors for the production of that that we crave for. Corruption therefore is a craving based on either the development or underdevelopment of our minds. A poor man – and I use the word ‘poor’ without its pecuniary connotations who gets within the corridors of power and has access to public funds will dip their fingers in the public purse. So will a ‘rich’ person. It’s all up there in our minds the desire to build big houses, and buy fancy cars and drive around with beautiful women is driven by a craving. A craving is a thing that you always do without thinking especially something that is hard to stop.
A policeman who is poorly paid will still go to his beat knowing that on that his beat, there will be delinquents whom he can exploit. Once we allow our cravings to control us to the point of making them routine and get rewarded somehow, corruption therefore becomes a strong habit. Habits are not demographic, gender sensitive and have no respect for class, race or creed. Once a habit takes hold. It becomes a parasite feeding on a host, and begins to ensure the survival of that host only because it wants to survive.
Development will not take place if our minds are not developed first. All development comes from the mind, whether physical, spiritual or otherwise. But we must break the deadly habit of corruption by adhering to certain principles. Typical habits survive via a chain wherein there is a craving routinely executed and which mostly produces rewards. We must try to do things differently, break the routine to transform our minds. A smoker will not quit smoking if there’s no alternative that will replace the reward the smoker gets from smoking.